Privacy policy

Changes to our Terms of Use: last modified 29 April 2023.

This policy explains how our Happy Gut Dairy app process your personal data.
Happy Gut Dairy app are available on Google Play and the Apple App Store for free downloading.

Device data
General technical data, such as phone model, OS version, country and language or other data which fill down the user never transferred to Happy Gut Dairy app. They placed only on the mobile or other device own user of Happy Gut Dairy app.

Personal data
Health and sensitive data

Any personal data which user fills down to the Happy Gut Dairy app never transferred to Happy Gut Dairy app server, it placed locally - only on the mobile or another user’s device. That is why we advise to make a backup and save user data as pdf files on the user’s device regularly.

There is only possibility to create Happy Gut Dairy personal account which would be placed on the user’s app without connection to any source or server with access for third parties. In case user delete app from his mobile device without backup before all data would be lost without possibility of reinstate.

Contact us
If you have questions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at